The Boola Bidi Dreaming Centre is the home of Noongar Culture in the Harvey region of Bindjareb Country. This Centre promotes and nourishes over 45,000 years of Aboriginal culture, something that all Australians can unite, celebrate and be proud of together.

The products and services offered have all been carefully selected and crafted to be ethically and sustainably responsible. The range includes benefits to Aboriginal communities locally, regionally, statewide and even nationally, as well as non-Aboriginal people locals. This Centre offers cultural education, tours, bush food and medicine workshops, artefact and tool making lessons, language classes, artwork, clothing, bush ingredients, books, homewares, giftwares, the list goes on.

It also offers general visitor servicing, with brochures, interactive maps and digital content showing locals and tourists alike what there is to do when they come to the Harvey Region. Through partnerships with organisations like Tourism WA, Australia’s South West, and WA Indigenous Tourism Operators Council, we aim to provide a one-stop shop for visitors and tourists to learn more about the rich history, culture and attraction of this very special part of the world.